
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Love Coke? Love Security Cameras.

March 28, 2013:

Coke's "Open Happiness" ad campaign is a perfect example of "emotional branding."  It's another ad where it's almost impossible to tell what it's selling until the end.  The idea?  People feel happy when they watch funny videos.  Indeed, it's a major social thing these days--sharing funny/cute videos.  Coke hopes they can connect to that happy feeling and that it will transfer to their product (already the most recognized brand in the world).

And, in case you're wondering, no, not all of the clips are real.  Coke says they had to "recreate" some of the situations.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Misogynistic Volvo Ad from the Old Days

March 27, 2013:  

The auto website Jalopnik dug up this sexist Volvo ad from the YouTube archives.  The premise of the ad is let your wife drive a Volvo and she'll want to buy one.  The "joke" is that the woman can't drive stick and  the car keeps bucking and jerking down the road.